OWASP Cloud-Native Application Security Top 10 - EMEA


Cloud native technologies empower organisations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach. Cloud-Native applications are a fundamentally new and exciting approach to designing and building software. However, it also raises a completely new set of security challenges. For example, when you move to a microservice model, end-to-end visibility, monitoring and detection become more complex and difficult to execute.

The primary goal of the OWASP Cloud-Native Application Security Top 10 is to provide assistance and education for organisations looking to adopt Cloud-Native applications securely. The guide provides information about what are the most prominent security risks for cloud-native applications, the challenges involved, and how to overcome them.

Join us where Sysdig’s Nigel Douglas does a deep dive into the OWASP Cloud-Native Application Security Top 10 in order to gain invaluable insights into how additional grouping of risks can enhance your security program, adding value to your overall defence strategy.

Nigel Douglas, Senior Technical Marketing Manager Sysdig

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